Moving candies, jellies, gums, chocolate bars, caramels etc. can create sugar dust and starch paste, clogging and jamming production, process and wrapping machinery.

The Elefant company, based in Waiblingen, Germany has found a solution with the ELEFANT® Sugar Dissolving Oil, designed to quickly dissolve, on contact, sugar particle which have stuck to equipment. Neither hot water nor force is required for the reaction to occur; the sugar is simply dissolved into a liquid that promptly flows from the machinery.
The oil can also be used as a preventative aid as well as cure; when small amounts are applied to moving parts, the product not only acts as a lubricant but it can keep the equipment free from sugar particles, thus saving maintenance and downtime. This, combined with the product’s potential use as an oil charge in continuous mesh air filters, could increase the performance and reliability of a production line.

ELEFANT® Sugar Dissolving Oil is also suitable for use on conveyors, chains, cutters, blades etc. The odorless, white milk‐like liquid has very a stable formula with a low viscosity. It is available in cans of 10 liters (~ 2.65 gal).
Downloads: Elefant Sugar Dissolving Oil product information
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